With the skinparam
you can change the feel and design of the whole Diagram
skinparam shadowing false
Black and White
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam shadowing false
actor User
participant "First Class" as A
participant "Second Class" as B
participant "Last Class" as C
User -> A: DoWork
activate A
A -> B: Create Request
activate B
B -> C: DoWork
activate C
C --> B: WorkDone
destroy C
B --> A: Request Created
deactivate B
A --> User: Done
deactivate A
White and Black
skinparam monochrome reverse
skinparam monochrome reverse
skinparam shadowing false
actor User
participant "First Class" as A
participant "Second Class" as B
participant "Last Class" as C
User -> A: DoWork
activate A
A -> B: Create Request
activate B
B -> C: DoWork
activate C
C --> B: WorkDone
destroy C
B --> A: Request Created
deactivate B
A --> User: Done
deactivate A
Sequence Diagram
participant Alice
participant "The **Famous** Bob" as Bob
Alice -> Bob : hello --there--
... Some ~~long delay~~ ...
Bob -> Alice : ok
note left
This is **bold**
This is //italics//
This is ""monospaced""
This is --stroked--
This is __underlined__
This is ~~waved~~
end note
Alice -> Bob : A //well formatted// message
note right of Alice
This is <back:cadetblue><size:18>displayed</size></back>
__left of__ Alice.
end note
note left of Bob
<u:red>This</u> is <color #118888>displayed</color>
**<color purple>left of</color> <s:red>Alice</strike> Bob**.
end note
note over Alice, Bob
<w:#FF33FF>This is hosted</w> by <img img/plantuml-logo.png>
end note
Use Case Diagram
Class Diagram
Object <|-- ArrayList
Object : equals()
ArrayList : Object[] elementData
ArrayList : size()
class Foo1 {
You can use
several lines
as you want
and group
things together.
You can have as many groups
as you want
End of class
class User {
.. Simple Getter ..
+ getName()
+ getAddress()
.. Some setter ..
+ setName()
__ private data __
int age
-- encrypted --
String password
Activity Diagram
(*) --> "Initialization"
if "Some Test" then
-->[true] "Some Activity"
--> "Another activity"
-right-> (*)
->[false] "Something else"
-->[Ending process] (*)
title Servlet Container
(*) --> "ClickServlet.handleRequest()"
--> "new Page"
if "Page.onSecurityCheck" then
->[true] "Page.onInit()"
if "isForward?" then
->[no] "Process controls"
if "continue processing?" then
-->[yes] ===RENDERING===
-->[no] ===REDIRECT_CHECK===
-->[yes] ===RENDERING===
if "is Post?" then
-->[yes] "Page.onPost()"
--> "Page.onRender()" as render
-->[no] "Page.onGet()"
--> render
-->[false] ===REDIRECT_CHECK===
if "Do redirect?" then
->[yes] "redirect request"
if "Do Forward?" then
-left->[yes] "Forward request"
-right->[no] "Render page template"
--> "Page.onDestroy()"
+ OS
++ Ubuntu
+++ Linux Mint
+++ Kubuntu
+++ Lubuntu
+++ KDE Neon
++ SolydXK
++ SteamOS
++ Raspbian
-- Windows 95
-- Windows 98
-- Windows NT
--- Windows 8
--- Windows 10
mindmapDiagram {
.pink {
BackgroundColor #da6d9c
.pink_alt {
BackgroundColor #cc5254
.pink_alt2 {
BackgroundColor #B02b56
.yellow {
BackgroundColor #f5c400
.green {
BackgroundColor #00925a
.blue {
BackgroundColor #0095d8
.orange {
BackgroundColor #eb6a28
* Infotronics \n Engineer Everything <<pink>>
** Computer Science <<pink_alt>>
***_ Machine Learning
***_ Data Science
***_ Algorithms
** Operational Technology (OT) <<>>
***_ Robust Software
***_ Security
***_ Industry 4.0
** Electronics <<green>>
***_ Electronic Circuits
***_ Embedded Systems
***_ Wireless Communication
** Systems Engineering <<yellow>>
***_ Programming
***_ Model-Driven Development
***_ System On Chip
left side
** Industrial Applications <<blue>>
***_ Industrial Control Systems
***_ Cyber-Physical Systems
***_ Robotics
** Constrained Systems <<orange>>
***_ IoT (Internet of Things)
***_ IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)
***_ Security-related Systems
***_ Space Applications
** Real-Time Programming <<pink_alt2>>
***_ Real-Time Operating Systems
***_ Communication Protocols
***_ Deterministic Applications
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
* Business Process Modelling WBS
** Launch the project
*** Complete Stakeholder Research
*** Initial Implementation Plan
** Design phase
*** Model of AsIs Processes Completed
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed1
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed2
*** Measure AsIs performance metrics
*** Identify Quick Wins
** Complete innovate phase
Project starts 2020/05/01
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1th of may 2020
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] lasts 12 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
project starts 2021/06/01
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
printscale weekly
[WP1 Literature Research] starts at 2021/06/01
[WP1 Literature Research] lasts 3 weeks
[WP2 External Survey] starts at [WP1 Literature Research]'s start
[WP2 External Survey] ends at [WP1 Literature Research]'s end
[WP3 Synthesising State of the Art] starts at [WP2 External Survey]'s end
[WP3 Synthesising State of the Art] lasts 2 weeks
[Theoretical research completed] happens at [WP3 Synthesising State of the Art]'s end
[WP4 Selection practial application] starts at [WP3 Synthesising State of the Art]'s end
[WP4 Selection practial application] lasts 2 week
[WP5 Data Collection] starts at [WP4 Selection practial application]'s end
[WP5 Data Collection] lasts 3 weeks
[WP6 ML Model Selection] starts at [WP4 Selection practial application]'s end
[WP6 ML Model Selection] lasts 2 weeks
[WP7 ML Model Implementation] starts at [WP6 ML Model Selection]'s end
[WP7 ML Model Implementation] lasts 5 weeks
[Implementation completed] happens at [WP7 ML Model Implementation]'s end
[WP8 Fieldtest] starts at [WP7 ML Model Implementation]'s end
[WP8 Fieldtest] ends at 2021/09/30
[Write Thesis Report] starts at 2021/06/01
[Write Thesis Report] ends at 2021/09/30
' Color definitions
[WP1 Literature Research] is colored in LightSteelBlue/DimGrey
[WP2 External Survey] is colored in LightSteelBlue/DimGrey
[WP3 Synthesising State of the Art] is colored in LightSteelBlue/DimGrey
[WP4 Selection practial application] is colored in LightGreen/DimGrey
[WP5 Data Collection] is colored in LightGreen/DimGrey
[WP6 ML Model Selection] is colored in LightGreen/DimGrey
[WP7 ML Model Implementation] is colored in LightGreen/DimGrey
[WP8 Fieldtest] is colored in SandyBrown/Sienna
[Write Thesis Report] is colored in LightSteelBlue/DimGrey
Timing Diagram
clock clk with period 1
binary "Enable" as EN
EN is low
EN is high
EN is low