Hanoi tower

The Hanoi Tower is a iterative puzzle which can be solved with recursion.


Fig. 4 Hanoi Tower Source: Wikipedia

The stack of disks need to be moved from right to left. There only smaller disks can be stacked on top of any given disk.


The lowest disk needs to me move first to the rightmost disk. Therefore all other disks needs to be moved to the middle disk. So multiple time the same problem means recursion.

To move \(N\) disks from left to right:

  1. Recursively move \(N-1\) disks from left to middle

  2. Move largest disk form left to right

  3. Recursively move \(N-1\) disks from middle to right


Fig. 5 HAnoi Tower Solution Source: Wikipedia


import numpy
import math
import time
from IPython.display import clear_output


def hanoi(towers: list, tower_height: int, left: int=0, right: int=2, middle: int=1, display: bool=True):
  """Solve the Tower of Hanoi

      towers (list): list of the tower itself
      tower_height (int): height of the tower
      left (int, optional): definition of left tower 0-n. Defaults to 0.
      right (int, optional): definition of left tower 0-n. Defaults to 2.
      middle (int, optional): definition of left tower 0-n. Defaults to 1.
      display (bool, optional): print stack of towers in ASCII. Default to True.
  if tower_height > 0:
    # move smaller from left to middle
    hanoi(towers, tower_height - 1, left, middle, right, display)
    # move biggest to indented position
    if not display:
      print("Move toppiece from {} to {}".format(left, right))
    move_piece(towers, left, right)
    if display:
      display_towers(towers, tower_height)
    # move remaining from middle to right
    hanoi(towers, tower_height - 1, middle, right, left, display)

def move_piece(towers: list, src_tower: int=0, dst_tower: int=1):
  """Move on piece from one tower to another tower

      towers (list): list of the tower itself
      src_tower (int, optional): tower to be moved from. Defaults to 0.
      dst_tower (int, optional): tower to place on. Defaults to 1.
  # search for toppiece to move (top to bottom)
  for y in range(len(towers[src_tower])):
    if towers[src_tower][y] != 0:
      _piece_to_move = towers[src_tower][y]
      towers[src_tower][y] = 0
  # search for empty toppiece to place (bottom to top)
  for y in reversed(range(len(towers[dst_tower]))):
    if towers[dst_tower][y] == 0:
      towers[dst_tower][y] = _piece_to_move

def display_towers(towers: list, speed: int=0.5):
  """Display the tower as ASCII Characters

      towers (list): list of the tower itself
      speed (int): time to wait after display
  _screen = ""
  for y in range(len(towers[0])):
    for x in range(len(towers)):
      _l = math.floor((len(towers[0])-towers[x][y])/2)
      _m = towers[x][y]
      _r = math.ceil((len(towers[0])-towers[x][y])/2)
      if _m == 0:
        _screen += " " + (_l-1)*" " + 1*"|" + _r*" " + " "
        _screen += " " + _l*" " + _m*"x" + _r*" " + " "
    _screen += "\n"


tower_height = 4
nbr_of_towers = 3

# create empty list and populate it
towers = [[0 for columns in range(tower_height)] for rows in range(nbr_of_towers)]
for x in range(len(towers)):
  for y in range(len(towers[0])):
    if x == 0:
      towers[x][y] = y+1

display_towers(towers, tower_height)
hanoi(towers, tower_height, display=False)
  x     |     |   
  xx    |     |   
 xxx    |     |   
 xxxx   |     |   

Move toppiece from 0 to 1
Move toppiece from 0 to 2
Move toppiece from 1 to 2
Move toppiece from 0 to 1
Move toppiece from 2 to 0
Move toppiece from 2 to 1
Move toppiece from 0 to 1
Move toppiece from 0 to 2
Move toppiece from 1 to 2
Move toppiece from 1 to 0
Move toppiece from 2 to 0
Move toppiece from 1 to 2
Move toppiece from 0 to 1
Move toppiece from 0 to 2
Move toppiece from 1 to 2
tower_height = 4
nbr_of_towers = 3

# create empty list and populate it
towers = [[0 for columns in range(tower_height)] for rows in range(nbr_of_towers)]
for x in range(len(towers)):
  for y in range(len(towers[0])):
    if x == 0:
      towers[x][y] = y+1

display_towers(towers, tower_height)
hanoi(towers, tower_height, display=True)
  |     |     x   
  |     |     xx  
  |     |    xxx  
  |     |    xxxx