Maze Solver with Lee’s Algorithm

Maze Solver with Lee’s Algorithm


Fig. 18 Lee’s Maze Solution

Lee’s Algorithm give always an optimal solution based on a bread-first-search and queues. It requires considerable amount of memory and is slow.


Fig. 19 Lee’s Algorithms Demo Source: @richardfunkygifs


  1. Create an empty queue to store the coordinates of the matrix and initialize it with the source cell having a distance of 0 from the source, marking it as visited.

  2. Starting from the source cell, call the BFS procedure.

  3. Initialize a boolean array of the same size as input matrix and all values set to false. This is used to store the visited status of a coordinate.

  4. Run a loop till the queue is empty

    ​Dequeue front cell from the queue

    Return if the destination cell is reached

    Otherwise, For each of the four adjacent cells of a current cell, if the cell value is 1 and they are un-visited, enqueue the cells and mark them as visited.

  5. If all queue elements are processed and destination is not reached, return false.


Fig. 20 Bread First Search Example Source: Wikipedia


from collections import deque
from IPython.display import clear_output
# generate maze from other notebook
# Run 008-maze-generation-kruskal notebook
%run 008-maze-generation-kruskal.ipynb
Generated array maze=
[[0 0 0 ... 0 0 0]
 [0 0 1 ... 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 ... 1 1 0]
 [0 1 1 ... 1 1 0]
 [0 0 1 ... 1 0 0]
 [0 0 0 ... 0 0 0]]
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def bfsLee(maze, src: list, dest: list):
  """Function to find the shortest path between source cell and destination cell.

      maze (list): 2 dimensional maze matrix
      src (list): y-x coordinates of source cell
      dest (list): y-x coordinates of destination cell

      list: [list of the maze solution path, distance of the solution]
  # These arrays show the 4 possible movement from a cell
  rowNum = [-1, 0, 0, 1]
  colNum = [0, -1, 1, 0]

  # Solution path, list of [y,x] coordinates
  solution = []
  # Checking if source and destination cell have value 1
  if maze[src[0]][src[1]]!=1 or maze[dest[0]][dest[1]]!=1:
    return None, -1

  # get maze size
  maze_rows = len(maze)
  maze_cols = len(maze[0])

  # list of visited cells
  visited = [[False for i in range(maze_cols)]
             for j in range(maze_rows)]

  # Mark the source cell as visited
  visited[src[0]][src[1]] = True
  # Create a queue for BFS
  queue = deque()

  # node [[coordinates], distance]
  # Distance of source cell is 0
  node = [src,0]
  # enqueue src node

  # distance
  # Perform BFS starting from source cell
  while queue:
    cur = queue.popleft() # Dequeue the front cell

    # If we have reached the destination cell, return the final distance
    pt = cur[0]
    if pt[0] == dest[0] and pt[1] == dest[1]:
      return solution, cur[1]

    # Otherwise enqueue its adjacent cells with value 1
    for i in range(4):
      row = pt[0] + rowNum[i]
      col = pt[1] + colNum[i]

      # Enqueue valid adjacent cell that is not visited
      if (((row >= 0) and (row < maze_rows) and (col >= 0) and (col < maze_cols)) and
         maze[row][col] == 1 and
         not visited[row][col]):
        visited[row][col] = True
        adjcell = [[row,col], cur[1]+1]

  # Return -1 if destination cannot be reached
  return None, -1

def checkAdjacent(point_1: list, point_2: list):
  """Check of 

      point_1 (list): y,x coordinates of first point
      point_2 (list): y,x coordinates of second point

      bool: true if cell is adjacent
  # These arrays show the 4 possible movement from a cell
  _rowNum = [-1, 0, 0, 1]
  _colNum = [0, -1, 1, 0]
  _adjacent = False
  for i in range(len(_rowNum)):
    if point_1[0] == point_2[0]+_rowNum[i] and point_1[1] == point_2[1]+_colNum[i]:
      _adjacent = True
  return _adjacent

def getSolution(src: list, dst: list,  solution: list):
  """Get shortest solution path

      src (list): y,x coordinates of the startpoint
      solution (list): array of points of the solution and their distance to the src-point

      list: optimum solution path

  _solution_path = []
  # get maximum distance
  _distance = None
  _prev_cell = None
  for i in range(len(solution)-1, 0, -1):
    if not _distance and not _prev_cell:
      if solution[i][0] == dst: # found destination point start pathsearch
        _distance = solution[i][1] - 1
        _prev_cell = solution[i][0]
      if _distance == solution[i][1] and checkAdjacent(solution[i][0], _prev_cell):  # if correct distance and if adjacent cell
        _distance -= 1
        _prev_cell = solution[i][0]
  return _solution_path

def drawSolution(maze: list, src: list, dst: list, solutionpath: list):
  """draw the start- and endpoint as well as the solution
     0 = wall
     1 = cell
     2 = path
     3 = start- endpoint

      maze (list): 2 dimensional array of the maze
      src (list): y,x coordinates of the startpoint
      dst (list): y,x coordinates of the endpoint
      solutionpath (list): array of points of the solution

      list: 2d array of the maze including solution
  maze_tmp = maze.copy()
  # draw solution
  for point in solutionpath:
    maze_tmp[point[0]][point[1]] = 2
  # draw start and endpoint
  maze_tmp[src[0]][src[1]] = 3
  maze_tmp[dst[0]][dst[1]] = 3
  return maze_tmp

def findEmptyCell(maze: list, corner: int):
  """find empty cell in cell starting at a corner

      maze (list): maze to search through
      corner (int): where to start (0=bottomleft, 1=topleft, 2=topright, 3=bottomright)

      list: row,col coordinates of the first empty cell
  maze_rows = len(maze)
  maze_cols = len(maze[0])
  if corner == 0:
    range_rows = range(0, maze_rows-1, 1)
    range_cols = range(0, maze_cols-1, 1)
  elif corner == 1:
    range_rows = range(0, maze_rows-1, 1)
    range_cols = range(maze_cols-1, 0, -1)
  elif corner == 2:
    range_rows = range(maze_rows-1, 0, -1)
    range_cols = range(maze_cols-1, 0, -1)
    range_rows = range(maze_rows-1, 0, -1)
    range_cols = range(0, maze_cols-1, 1)

  # find empty cell
  for row in range_rows:
    for col in range_cols:
      if maze[row][col] == 1:  #  valid cell found
        return  [row, col]


no_solution = True
while no_solution:

  # generate maze with function from 008 notebook
  size = {'x': 80, 'y': 40}
  maze = generateMaze(size['x'], size['y'])
  maze = createBorder(maze)
  # get maze size
  maze_rows = len(maze)
  maze_cols = len(maze[0])
  # find empty cell in topleft corner
  src = findEmptyCell(maze, 0)

  # find empty cell in bottomright corner
  dst = findEmptyCell(maze, 2)
  print("Maze Size           : {}x{}".format(maze_cols, maze_rows))
  print("Source Cell is      : {}".format(src))
  print("Destination Cell is : {}".format(dst))
  # execute lees algorithms
  (solution, dist) = bfsLee(maze, src, dst)
  # draw points and solution
  if dist != -1:
    no_solution = False
    path = getSolution(src, dst, solution)
    print("Length of the Shortest Path is", dist)
    maze_solved = drawSolution(maze, src, dst, path)
    #no_solution = False##
    print("No solution exists")
Maze Size           : 81x41
Source Cell is      : [1, 2]
Destination Cell is : [39, 78]
Length of the Shortest Path is 178

plot = figure(x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1),
              plot_height=maze_rows*10, plot_width=maze_cols*10)
plot.axis.visible = False
plot.outline_line_color = '#ffffff'

plot.image([maze_solved], x=0, y=0, dw=1, dh=1, palette=['#228b22', '#ffffff', '#add8e6', '#ff7f7f'])

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