Sorting Algorithms


Fig. 35 Overview of Sorting algorithms Source:

The counterpart of searching algorithms such as Binary Search are sorting algorithms. They are necessary to optimize data searching. It is also used to represent data in more readable format. Depending on the different algorithms and the current problem different algorithms can be best.

Interesting links


Classification of algorithms

  • Time-Space Complexity aka Big-O Notation for the best and the worst case scenario


    Fig. 36 Overview of Sorting algorithms complexity Source:

  • Number of swaps

  • Memory usage

  • Recursive vs Unrecursive

  • In-place vs Not-in-place

    Sorting algorithms can either may required extra space for temporary storage. Algorithms not require extra space is called in-place sorting and algorithms require extra space is calles not-in-place sorting.

  • Stable vs Unstable

    If the sorting elements does not change the sequence of similar elements it if called stable sorting. If the similar elements after sorting have changed order it is called unstable sorting.

  • Adaptability


Worst to best \(O(n!)\) \(O(2^n)\) \(O(n^2)\) \(O(n(log(n))^2)\) \(O(n log(n))\) \(O(n)\) \(O(k)\) \(O(n+k)\) \(O(nk)\) \(O(log(n))\) \(O(1)\)


Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)


Insert Sort





Adaptive, Stable, In-place, Online

Selection Sort





In-place, Stable

Bubble Sort






Shell Sort

\(O(n log(n))\)




In-place, Not-Stable, Adaptive

Merge Sort

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)


Divide and Conquer, Stable, Not-in-place

Heap Sort

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)


Not Stable, In-Place,

Quick Sort

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)



Divide and Conquer, In-place, Not-stable

Bucket Sort





Not-in-place, Stable

Radix Sort





Adaptive, Various versions

Counting Sort





Not-in-place, Stable



import random
import time
import pandas as pd
import as bio
import bokeh.plotting as bp
import bokeh.layouts as bl


def createSortedList(size: int = 10, ascending: bool = True):
  """Create a sorted list 0 -> size-1

      size (int, optional): size of list. Defaults to 10.
      ascending (bool, optional): sorted ascending or descending. Defaults to True.

      list: list of values
  _lst = list(range(1, size+1))
  if not ascending:
  return _lst

def createRandomList(size: int = 10):
  """Create a unsorted list with all values 0 -> size-1

      size (int, optional): size of list. Defaults to 10.

      list: list of values
  _lst = createSortedList(size)
  return _lst

def createNearlySortedList(size: int = 10, unsorted: float = 0.05):
  """Create a nearly sorted list with all values 0 -> size-1
     min 1 max (unsorted*100)% of values are unsorted

      size (int, optional): size of list. Defaults to 10.
      unsorted(float, optional): value between 0 and 1 % of unsorted values. Default to 0.05.

      list: list of values
  _lst = createSortedList(size)
  _nbr_of_unsorted = int(size*unsorted)
  if _nbr_of_unsorted < 1:
    _nbr_of_unsorted = 1
  for i in range(_nbr_of_unsorted):
    _idx_1 = random.randint(0, len(_lst)-1)
    _idx_2 = random.randint(0, len(_lst)-1)
    # swap elements
    _temp = _lst[_idx_1]
    _lst[_idx_1] = _lst[_idx_2]
    _lst[_idx_2] = _temp
  return _lst

def fewUniqueList(size: int = 10, nbr_of_bin: int = 3):
  """Create list of only a few unique values

      size (int, optional): size of list. Defaults to 10.
      nbr_of_bin (int, optional): number of unique values. Defaults to 3.

      list: list of values
  _lst = []
  # select values and add appropriate number of times
  for i in range(nbr_of_bin):
    _value = random.randint(0, size)
    for j in range(int(size/nbr_of_bin)):
  # fill up if binsize not equal
  while(len(_lst) < size):
  # shuffle list
  return _lst

def generateColorList(colors_idx: list):
  """Generate color list from list with values between 0 and 2

      colors_idx (list): list of color values between 0 and 2

      list: list of preselected bokeh colors
  # Color options
  colors = ["lightslategray", "dodgerblue", "hotpink"]
  color_list = []
  for elem in colors_idx:
  return color_list

def generateColors(size: int = 20):
  """Generate 0 filled color dataframe

      size (int, optional): size of dataframes. Defaults to 20.

      object: dataframe with zero filled lists
  # Create dataframe
  df_color = pd.DataFrame()
  df_color["Sorted ascending"] = [0] * size
  df_color["Sorted descending"] = [0] * size
  df_color["Random"] = [0] * size
  df_color["Nearly sorted"] = [0] * size
  df_color["Few uniques"] = [0] * size
  return df_color

def generateDf(size: int = 20):
  """Generate data list with different sorting styles

      size (int, optional): size of dataframes. Defaults to 20.

      object: dataframe of various lists
  # Create dataframe
  df_data = pd.DataFrame()
  df_data["Sorted ascending"] = createSortedList(size)
  df_data["Sorted descending"] = createSortedList(size, False)
  df_data["Random"] = createRandomList(size)
  df_data["Nearly sorted"] = createNearlySortedList(size)
  df_data["Few uniques"] = fewUniqueList(size, int(size/2))

  return df_data

def plotBokehs(df_data: object, df_colors_idx: object, size: int = 170):
  """Plot all columns in dataframe with custom colors

      df_data (dataframe): df with columns to plot
      df_colors_idx (dataframe): corresponding color between 0 and 2 for the df_data values
      size (int, optional): size in px of one subfigure. Defaults to 200.

      list: list of figure objects
  figs = []
  for column in df_data.columns:
    # get color list
    colors = generateColorList(df_colors_idx[column])
    # Just number list 0 to n for y axis
    y = list(range(0, len(df_data[column])))
    # create figure
    fig = bp.figure(title=column, plot_width=size, plot_height=size, toolbar_location=None)
    fig.hbar(y=y, right=df_data[column], left=0, height=1, color=colors)
    fig.axis.visible = False

  handle =, notebook_handle=True)
  return figs, handle

def plotBokeh(data: object, colors_idx: object, name: str = "", size: int = 170):
  """Plot a list  dataframe with custom colors

      data (list): list of data to plot
      colors_idx (list): corresponding color list between 0 and 2 for the data values
      name (str): plot title
      size (int, optional): size in px of one subfigure. Defaults to 200.

      list: list of figure objects
  # get color list
  colors = generateColorList(colors_idx)
  # Just number list 0 to n for y axis
  y = list(range(0, len(data)))
  # create figure
  fig = bp.figure(title=name, plot_width=size, plot_height=size, toolbar_location=None)
  fig.hbar(y=y, right=data, left=0, height=1, color=colors)

  fig.axis.visible = False

  handle =, notebook_handle=True)
  return fig, handle

def updateBokeh(color, idx, value, fig: object, display: bool, sleeptime=0.1):
  if display:
    color[idx] = value
    # update graph
    # fig
  return color

Test Helpers

size = 20
# Generate Data
df_data = generateDf(size)
df_color = generateColors(size)

# Change some bar colors[0, "Sorted ascending"] = 1[0, "Sorted descending"] = 1[0, "Random"] = 1[0, "Nearly sorted"] = 1[0, "Few uniques"] = 1[1, "Sorted ascending"] = 2[1, "Sorted descending"] = 2[1, "Random"] = 2[1, "Nearly sorted"] = 2[1, "Few uniques"] = 2

# Plot
plotBokehs(df_data, df_color);
Loading BokehJS ...

Insert Sort

Insert Sort is a simple sorting algorithm, is becomes less efficient the larger the dataset is. However advantages are: simple implementation, efficient for small datasets, adaptive, stable, in-place, online.

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)






Adaptive, Stable, In-place, Online


  • Iterate over the unsorted input elements starting with the left most element

  • Compare the current element with the largest value available in the sorted array. Sorted array is left of the element

  • If the current element is greater, then it leaves the element in its place and moves on to the next element, else it finds its correct position in the sorted array and moves it to that position in the array.

  • This is achieved by shifting all the elements towards the right, which are larger than the current element, in the sorted array to one position ahead.


Fig. 37 Insert sort Source: Wikipedia


i ← 1
while i < length(A)
    j ← i
    while j > 0 and A[j-1] > A[j]
        swap A[j] and A[j-1]
        j ← j - 1
    end while
    i ← i + 1
end while
def insertionSort(lst: list, fig: object = None, display: bool = True):
  """insertion Sort of list including updating figure

      lst (list): unsorted list
      fig (object, optional): figure to update. Defaults to None.
      display (bool, optional): update graph also slows down operation. Defaults to True.

      lst: sorted list
  # create color idx list init with 0 (only used for display)
  color = [0] * len(lst)
  # llop through list starting at 1 (0 cannot be moved)
  for idx in range(1, len(lst)):
    color = updateBokeh(color, idx, 1, fig, display)
    elem = lst[idx]
    # Move elements of lst[0..i-1], that are greater than key, to one position ahead of their current position
    prev_idx = idx-1
    while prev_idx >= 0 and elem < lst[prev_idx]:
      color = updateBokeh(color, prev_idx, 2, fig, display)
      lst[prev_idx+1] = lst[prev_idx]
      color = updateBokeh(color, prev_idx, 0, fig, display)
      prev_idx -= 1
    lst[prev_idx+1] = elem
    color = updateBokeh(color, idx, 0, fig, display)
  return lst


size = 20
# Generate Data
df_data = generateDf(size)
df_color = generateColors(size)

# display original list
figs, handle = plotBokehs(df_data, df_color)

i = 0
for column in df_data.columns:
  df_data[column] = insertionSort(df_data[column], figs[i], True)
  i += 1

# display sorted list
plotBokehs(df_data, df_color);
Loading BokehJS ...
Loading BokehJS ...
([Figure(id='2050', ...),
  Figure(id='2089', ...),
  Figure(id='2128', ...),
  Figure(id='2167', ...),
  Figure(id='2206', ...)],
 < at 0x123e02a60>)

Selection Sort

Selection Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)






In-place, Stable

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)







Shell Sort

Shell Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)


\(O(n log(n))\)




In-place, Not-Stable, Adaptive

Merge Sort

Merge Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)


\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)


Divide and Conquer, Stable, Not-in-place

Heap Sort

Heap Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)


\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)


Not Stable, In-Place,

Quick Sort

Quick Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)


\(O(n log(n))\)

\(O(n log(n))\)



Divide and Conquer, In-place, Not-stable

Bucket Sort

Bucket Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)






Not-in-place, Stable

Radix Sort

Radix Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)






Adaptive, Various versions

Counting Sort

Counting Sort

Time Compl. (Best)

Time Compl. (Average)

Time Compl. (Worst)

Space Compl. (Worst)






Not-in-place, Stable


size= 20
# Generate Data
df_data = generateDf(size)
df_color = generateColors(size)

# Plot
figs, handle = plotBokehs(df_data, df_color)
Loading BokehJS ...