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Typename Possible Value(s) Package
boolean true, false standard
std_ulogic U, X, 0, 1, Z, W, L, H, - std_logic_1164
std_ulogic_vector array of std_ulogic std_logic_1164
std_logic resolved std_ulogic std_logic_1164
std_logic_vector array of std_logic std_logic_1164
unsigned \(0 \: to \: 2^2{(n)} - 1\) numeric_std
signed \(-2^{(n-1)} \: to \: 2^{(n-1)} - 1\) (2nd Complement) numeric_std
integer \(-2147483648 \: to \: 2147483647\) (32bit) standard
real \(-1.0E38 \: to \: 1.0E38\) standard
time 1 fs to 1 hr standard
character 191 / 256 characters standard
string array of character standard


-- record declaration
type reg_type is record
    irq  : std_logic;
    pend : std_logic_vector(0 to 7);
    mask : std_logic_vector(0 to 7);
end record;

-- signal of declared record
signal r, rin : reg_type;

Multiple record example

type value_type is record
    holdtime     : time;
    filename     : string(1 to 100);
    value        : integer;
end record;

type command_type is record
    action : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    value  : value_type;
    busy   : std_logic;
end record;

constant init_value_type   : value_type   := (1 ps, (others => ' '), 0);
constant init_command_type : command_type := ((others => '0'), init_value_type, '0');


type integer
type    integer  is range -2147483648 to 2147483647   -- max 32bit
subtype natural  is range           0 to integer'high -- max 32bit
subtype positive is range           1 to integer'high -- max 32bit

signal int_free : integer;                 -- 32bit wide integer
signal int_5bit : integer range -16 to 15; -- 5bit integer


type time
type time     is range -2147483648 to 2147483647 -- neg also possible


type std
-- std_ulogic
-- only one driver per signal
type std_ulogic is ('U', -- Unitialized
                    'X', -- Forcing Unknown
                    '0', -- Forcing 0
                    '1', -- Forcing 1
                    'Z', -- High Impedance
                    'W', -- Weak Unknown
                    'L', -- Weak 0
                    'H', -- Weak 1
                    '-', -- Don't care
-- std_logic = resolved std_ulogic
-- allows more than one driver for Bidirectional busses
subtype std_logic is resolved std_ulogic;


type std_vector
type  std_ulogic_vector is array (natural range <>) of std_ulogic;
type  std_logic_vector  is array (natural range <>) of std_logic;

std_logic_vector_sig <= "11"; --  3


type unsigned
type unsigned is array (natural range <>) of std_logic;

unsigned_sig <= "11"; --  3
unsigned_sig <= unsigned_sig + unsigned_sig;
                             + integer_sig;


type signed
type signed is array (natural range <>) of std_logic;

signed_sig   <= "11"; -- -1
signed_sig   <= signed_sig + signed_sig;
                           + integer_sig


Operator Description Example
+ Addition y <= x + 1
- Substraction y <= x - 1
* Multiplication y <= x * 1
/ Division y <= x / 1
* * Power / Potenz (2* *x'high DOWNTO 0)
abs absolute Value
mod Module
rem rest of Division
Just for vector types
sla Arith shift left SHIFT_LEFT(BUS,nbr)
sra Arith shift right SHIFT_RIGHT(Bus,nbr)
sll Logic shift left (x sll 2)
srl Logic shift right (x srl 2)
= equal x = y
/= inequal x /= y
< smaller x < y
> larger x > y
<= smaller equal x <= y
>= larger equal x >= y
Logic Operation on std_logic
and & x and y
nand !& x nand y
or or x or y
nor not or x nor y
xor (+) x xor y
not ~ not(x)
& Concatenation y = x & z

Operator usage
Figure 1: Operator usage

Resulting size

The result size of an operation

operation result size
-- Binary
vector_sig  <= "1001";         -- 4 bits binary value
-- Hexadecimal
vector_sig  <= X"F";           -- 1 Hexadigit = 4 binary bits
-- Assignation
vector_sig  <= a;              -- a'length = Length of array A
vector_sig  <= a and b;        -- a'length = b'Length
boolean_sig <= a > b;          -- Boolean
vector_sig  <= a + b;          -- Maximum (A'Length, B'Length)
vector_sig  <= a * b;          -- A'Length + B'Length


Functions are reusable pieces of code. A function cannot consume simulation time and has only one return parameter. See also Procedure.

function parity_generator( din : std_ulogic_vector )
                           return std_ulogic is
    variable t : std_ulogic := '0';
    for i in din'range loop
        t := t xor din(i);
    end loop;
    return t;
end parity_generator;


sig_par <= paritiy_generator(data_bus);

Edge finding

rising_edge(clk)      (clk'event & clk = '1')
falling_edge(clk)     (clk'event & clk = '1')


conversion functions
to_integer()          -- signed,unsigned return int
to_unsigned()         -- int             return unsigned
to_signed()           -- int             return signed
signed()              -- slv             return signed
unsigned()            -- slv             return unsigned
std_logic_vector()    -- signed,unsigned return slv
std_match(arg1, arg2) --                 return bool


resize functions
resize(sig, length)   -- unsigned        return unsigned
resize(sig, length)   -- signed          return signed


A procedure allows to reuse a piece of code. It has to be written in a package or between the process and it's beginning. A procedure can consume simulation time and can have as many in, out or inout signals/variables as wished. See also Function

If in the parameter list is a parameter without signal in front, it means that it has to assigned to a direct value or a variable. Mostly signals are used if as the interface and variables are used to give input- or output data.

parity generator
procedure parity_generator( signal din : in  std_ulogic_vector;
                            signal par : out std_ulogic;
                            par_init   : in  std_ulogic
                          ) is
    variable t : std_ulogic := par_init;
    for i in 0 to din'range loop
        t := t xor din(i);
    end loop;
    par <= t;
end parity_generator;

signal databus : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"3210"
signal par_bit : std_logic;


parity_generator(databus,par_bit, "0");


signal assign
DataOut <= ( 7 downto 4 => x"A",
             3 downto 2 => "01",
             1          => '1',
             others     =>'0');


More Attributes can be found at: Attributes

Attribute Decription Example
Type based (10 DOWNTO 0)
T'base Base type of type T 10
T'left Element left of type T 0
T'right Element right of type T 10
T'high Highest element of type T 0
T'low Lowest element of type T
T'pos(x) Place x in type T
T'val(n) Value of element at place n in T
T'succ(x) Element after x in T
T'pred(x) Element before x in T
T'leftOf(x) Element left of x in T
T'rightOf(x) Element right of x in T
Vector based
V'left Element most left in vector V 10
V'right Element most right in vector V 0
V'high Highest element in vector V 10
V'low Lowest element in vector V 0
V'range range of vector V 10 downto 0
V'reverse_range inversed range of vector V 0 downto 10
V'length length of vector V 11



if s0 = '0' and s1 = '0' then
    output <= in0;
elsif s0 = '1' and s1 = '0' then
    output <= in1;
elsif s0 = '0' and s1 = '1' then
    output <= in2;
elsif s0 = '1' and s1 = '1' then
    output <= in3;
    output <= 'X';
end if;


case sel is
  when  "00"  =>  output <= in0;
  when  "01"  =>  output <= in1;
  when  "10"  =>  output <= in2;
  when  "11"  =>  output <= in3;
  when others =>  output <= 'X';
end case;

With Select

with sel  select
  output <= in0 when "00",
            in1 when "01",
            in2 when "10",
            in3 when "11",
            'X' when others;


output <= in0 when sel = "00"
     else in1 when sel = "01"
     else in2 when sel = "10"
     else in3 when sel = "11"
     else 'X';


for loop
for i in 1 to 8 loop
  output(i) <= input(i + 8);
end loop;

for i in input'range loop
  output(i) <= input(i);
end loop;

Fixed & Floating Point Types


Fixed Point Types


Floating Point Types