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Oracle VM VirtualBox is an x86 virtualization software package. VirtualBox is installed on an existing host operating system as an application; this host application allows additional guest operating systems, each known as a Guest OS, to be loaded and run, each with its own virtual environment. Supported host operating systems include Linux, Mac OS X, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Solaris, and OpenSolaris; there is also a port to FreeBSD. Supported guest operating systems include versions and derivations of Windows, Linux, BSD, OS/2, Solaris and others.

Useful Commands

Change UUID of a VirtualDisk

VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid copiedfile.vdi

Clone VirtualDisk

VBoxManage clonevdi /path/to/existing.vdi new.vdi

Shrink dynamic image

VBoxManage modifyvdi vm_hd.vdi compact

Resize VirtualDisk

After resizing the harddisk file it, the partition needs to be resized to in gparted for Linux of Disk Management in Windows

VBoxManage modifyhd YOUR_HARD_DISK.vdi --resize SIZE_IN_MB
VBoxManage modifyhd pentaho_vm.vdi --resize 40000 # resize to 40GB

Access to shared folder

In order to access a shared folder in the guest os you need to add the user to the group vboxsf

sudo adduser $USER vboxsf