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Download Anaconda here.


At installation (Anaconda), conda creates a generic environment called base which is activated by default. Therefore, when installing a package with conda install, the package will be installted in that environment. You can be more explicit and activate the environment by typing conda activate or conda activate base in a terminal.

See dedicated conda page for more information about conda: Conda

ZSH Config

In order to configure the location of the anaconda environment within the shell perform the following actions.

Execute the command to hide the conda environments

conda config --set changeps1 false

Add to your .zshrc conda-setup.bash


See the dedicated jupyter pages for more information about jupyter: Jupyter


See the dedicated pip page for more information about pip install PiP

Conda Environment Setup

Setup an conda environment contains many times the same stuff

Windows conda environmnt setup
set CONDAENV=envname
conda create -n %CONDAENV%

:: default packages
conda install pip

:: pip packages
pip install IPython
pip install ipykernel
pip install numpy
pip install plotly
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
pip install jupyter-kite
pip install seaborn

:: jupyterlab extensions
set NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget@4.9.0 --no-build
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly --no-build
jupyter labextension install run-tag-cells-jlab --no-build
jupyter labextension install "@kiteco/jupyterlab-kite" --no-build

jupyter lab build

Additional Installs


Install requirements for sphinx

pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
pip install pydata-sphinx-theme
pip install sphinxcontrib-wavedrom
pip install sphinxcontrib-plantuml
pip install recommonmark
pip install sphinxemoji
pip install sphinx-copybutton
pip install nbsphinx
pip install jupyter_sphinx
pip install sphinx-panels
pip install nbsphinx
pip install IPython
pip install ipykernel
pip install numpy
pip install plotly
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib


Install requirements for Kite

pip install jupyter-kite
jupyter labextension install "@kiteco/jupyterlab-kite"