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Rustfmt is a tool for formatting Rust code according to the official Rust style guidelines. It helps ensure consistent code formatting across projects and improves code readability.

All configuration options are stored in a .rustfmt.toml file in the root of your project. This file can be used to customize the formatting rules to suit your project's needs.


  • Automatic code formatting: Rustfmt automatically formats your code based on the official Rust style guidelines.
  • Configurable options: You can customize the formatting rules by modifying the .rustfmt.toml configuration file.
  • Integration with build systems: Rustfmt can be integrated into your build system or editor to automatically format code on save or on demand.
  • IDE support: Rustfmt is supported by popular Rust IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ Rust, and Atom.


To install Rustfmt, you can use the following command:

rustup component add rustfmt


cargo fmt

My config

edition = "2021"

tab_spaces = 2
max_width = 160

#indent_style = "Block"
#trailing_comma = "Always"

#merge_imports = true
reorder_imports = true