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Make Commands

The execution of make isn't hard. Below a list of possible make commands.

make                     # search "Makefile" file and executes it
make makefilename        # search "makefilename" file and executes it
make -C /.../other_path/ # search "make" file in given path
make -d                  # gives debug informations
make -file               # read file as makefile
make -t                  # make updates the date of the targets

Generation Makefile

Targets, Rules, Dependencies

A makefile generates a Target. This is done with help of Rules. Each target is dependend of other files, these are the Dependencies.

In the example the target is depending on file.c and file.h. It will be created with the file.c

target: file.c file.h
    gcc file.c -o target

The target will be generated if orfile.h`` are newer than the existing target.


With help of pattern can define dependencies on a group of files in one line.

for example all .o files depend on the appropriate .c files

%.o: %.c
    gcc -Wall -g -c $<

Most used predefined variables

$<     # Name of the first dependency
$@     # Name of the target
$+     # List of all dependencies
$^     # List of all dependencies, doubles will be eliminated

variabels can be accessed by $. In order to write a real $, $$ need to be typed.


It is possible to work with variables to save names. Usually these vrariables are kept UPPERCASE. Here some of the most used variables

CC       # Compiler e.g. fcc
CFLAGS   # Compiler options r.g. -Wall
LDFLAGS  # Linker options
OBJ      # Objectfiles *.o
SRC      # Sourcefiles *.c
HDR      # Headerfiles *.h

An access of a variable can be done by $(). And it can be changes and used as ofter as necessary.

OBJ = file1.o file2.o file3.o # Variable declaration
    Rm -rf $(OBJ)             # Use of the variable OBJ

Phony Targets

Phony targets have no dependencies, that the difference to the normal targets. But unlike normal targets with no depencies, they need to be executed all the time.

.PHONY clean
    rm -rf file1.o file2.o


A Makefile can with the help of the inlcude command use the variable and makros of other Makefiles

INC_FILE = makefile2

include dateiname
include ${INC_FILE}


If you work on a big project. Sourcefiles can be widely spread among different folders. Instead to put all dependencies in one Makefile, they can be splitted so different makefile in the different folder.

In the Toplevel Makefile the general rules are set, and the Makefiles of the subfolders are called.

# Pos of the different Sub Makefiles
DIRS = Module1 Module2 Module3

    for i in $(DIRS); do make -c $$i; done
    # do "make" for all Makefiles in the Subfolders

The make -c flag tells that it has first to change to the new directory

A file called Toplevel Makefiles.rules defines all variables needed in the subfolders.

CFLAGS = -Wall -g
%.o: %.c                 # all .o depend on .c
    gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $<  # generation .o files

Makefile in the subfolders Depending in the defined Object files and the Rules in Makefile.rules, the executed code will be defined.

Include ../Makefile.rules
OBJ = file1.o file2.o
all: $(OBJ)

Make dep

Make dep is practical tools, which allows to search automatically dependencies in the sourcefiles.

DEPENDFILE = depend                 # Var for filename

dep: $(SRC)
    $(CC) -MM $(SRC) > $(DEPENDFILE)# put output > file depend

-include $(DEPENDFILE)           # search for include commands

with the flag -MM make will search in the SRC files for include directives. the command -include $(DEPENDFILE) adds the found dependencies into the Makefile


   #                         # is a comment
   first part of command \   # Command split
   second part of command \  # into multiple
   third part of command     # lines