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VPN Virtual Private Network

A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, such as the Internet. It enables a computer to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if it were directly connected to the private network, while benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. This is done by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, encryption, or a combination of the two.

There exist many different VPN protocols such as PPTP, OpenVPN, L2TP, SSTP. In this section We will set-up and connect a VPN connection using the PPTP protocol.

VPN Server Outgoing (Linux)


sudo apt-get install pptpd


Add the following lines in your etc/pptpd.conf

localip         # IP of your server hosting VPN
remoteip # Range of IP to use for connected machines

Add the following lines to configure pptpd in /etc/ppp/pptpd-options

ms-dns        # IP of your DNS Server
mtu 1490
mru 1490

add users to the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file, you can add as many users as you like

username * users-password *

Start VPN

Start / Restart the VPN Deamon to activate the config

sudo /etc/init.d/pptpd restart


Note that the connection can only access the server itself and not beyond it. Enable forwarding to avoid this.

Enable Forwarding

This step is optional. It is needed to give the connected machine access beyond the server.

By enable forwarding the entire network will be available to the connected machine not just the VPN server itself.

Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf and change to following parameter from 0 to to 1


To active the setting either restart the server or run the command:

sudo sysctl -p

VPN client Incoming (Win 7)

See the print screens to how to setup the VPN incoming connection on Windows 7.


If VPN is setup by default to relay all traffic through the VPN connection. To avoid this you need to uncheck.

Start VPN setup
Figure 1: Start VPN setup

Configure machine to connect to
Figure 2: Configure machine to connect to

Configure user credentials
Figure 3: Configure user credentials

Change IPv4 and ipv6 properties
Figure 4: Change IPv4 and ipv6 properties

Goto advanced properties
Figure 5: Goto advanced properties

Uncheck user default gateway
Figure 6: Uncheck user default gateway