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SDC Theory

Path & Analysis Times

3 types of paths:

  • Clock Paths
  • Data Paths
  • Asynchronous Path

2 types of analysis:

  • Synchronous : clock & data paths
  • Asynchronous : clock & async paths

Figure 1: Paths

Timing Analysis

Launch edge & Latch edge

  • Launch Edge = edge which launches the data from the source register
  • Latch Edge = edge which latches the data from the destination register

Launch and Latch Edge
Figure 2: Launch and Latch Edge

Setup & Hold

  • Setup \(T_{su}\) = Minimum time data signal must be stable BEFORE clock edge
  • Hold \(T_{h}\) = Minimum time data signal must be stable AFTER clock edge

Setup and Hold
Figure 3: Setup and Hold

Data Arrival Time

The time for data to arrive at destination register

Clock Arrival Time

The time for clock to arrive at destination registers clock input

Data Required Time (Setup)

Minimum time required before the latch edge, for the data to get latched into the destination register

\[ Setup\_Time = Clock\_Arrival\_Time - t_{su} - Clock\_Jitter \]

Data Required Time (Hold)

Minimum time required after the latch edge for the data to remain valid for successful latching into the destination register

\[ Hold\_Time = Clock\_Arrival\_Time + t_{h} + Clock\_Jitter \]

Setup Slack

Margin by which the setup timing requirement is met.

\[ Setup\_Slack = Setup\_Time_{min} - Data\_Arrival\_Time_{max} \]

Must always be positive

Hold Slack

Margin by which the hold timing requirement is met.

\[Hold\_Slack = Data\_Arrival\_Time_{min} - Maximum\_Hold\_Time_{max}\]

Must always be positive

Setup and Hold Time
Figure 4: Setup and Hold Time

Recovery & Removal

  • Recovery \(t_{rec}\) : Minimum time an asynchronous signal must be de-asserted BEFORE clock edge.
  • Removal \(t_{rem}\) : Minimum time an asynchronous signal must be de-asserted AFTER clock edge.

Analyse Recovery & Removal

In case of the Reset it should be synchron to the clock even when its use asynchronous.

if rst = 1 then             -- async rst, but still synch to clk
  q <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
  q <= d;
end if;