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Default config

User: pi Password: raspberry


Hotkey Description
Select Start Exit Game
F4 Enter Terminal

Important Files

SSH Config





# ES Settings

# System

# Platform Config

# Controller Config

# Themes

Todo After Install

  1. Change Keyboard Layout

    raspi-config 4. Localisation Options I3 Change Keyboard Layout

  2. Change default password of user pi

  3. Change default password of user root

    sudo passwd root
  4. Enable SSH

    raspi-config 4. Localisation Options I3 Change Keyboard Layout

  5. Enable SSH Root access

    echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  6. Change Wifi Country

    raspi-config 4. Localisation Options I4 Change Wifi Country

  7. Expand Filesystem

    raspi-config 7. Advanced Options A1 Expand Filesystem

  8. Install Safe Shutdown (in case of a NESPi 4 Case)

    wget -O - "" | sudo bash
  9. Enable XBox Controller via Bluethooth

    echo 'options bluetooth disable_ertm=Y' | sudo tee -a  /etc/modprobe.d/bluetooth.conf

    Setting to connect the XBox Controller is Display Yes No

  10. Configure all Gamepads

  11. Install Theme to pixels at set it under UI Settings in RetroArch

  12. Install additional packages

    RetroPie Setup opt dosbox frotz scummvm kodi

  13. Install RetroPie-Extras

    cd ~
    git clone
    cd RetroPie-Extra/
    cd ~
    cd RetroPie-Setup/
    sudo ./
  14. Update RetroPie and underlying Raspian Options

    RetroPie-Setup Update

  15. Install EmulationStation Theme pixel

    • RetroPie-Setup 814 esthemes 12 Install ehettervik/pixel
    • Set Settings UI Settings Theme Set Pixel
    • Set Settings UI Settings Transition Style Instant
  16. Copy all Roms to location ~/Retropie/roms/

  17. Restart System