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Ollama and OpenWeb UI

That’s where Ollama comes in! Ollama is a free and open-source application that allows you to run various large language models, including Llama 3, on your own computer, even with limited resources. Ollama takes advantage of the performance gains of llama.cpp, an open source library designed to allow you to run LLMs locally with relatively low hardware requirements. It also includes a sort of package manager, allowing you to download and use LLMs quickly and effectively with just a single command.

OpenWeb UI is a web-based user interface for Ollama, allowing you to interact with Ollama and LLMs through your web browser. OpenWeb UI provides a user-friendly interface for running LLMs, managing models, and viewing results. It also includes features such as model training, fine-tuning, and evaluation, making it a powerful tool for working with large language models.