Rust Embedded
This section covers my learning of Rust on embedded devices. The main device this documentation is intended for are Espressive SoC's.
- esp-rs github - ESP Rust github page
- esp-rs book - ESP Rust Book
- esp-rust-board - Open Source Rust ESP Development Board
Other Resources
- The Rust Programming Language - If you aren't familiar with Rust we recommend reading this book first.
- The Embedded Rust Book - Here you canfind several other resources provided by Rust's Embedded Working Group.
- The Embedonomicon - The nitty-gritty details when doing embedded programming in Rust.
- Awesome ESP Rust - A curated list of resouces for development in the Rust programming language for ESP32, ESP32-C2/C3/C6, ESP32-H2, and ESP32-S2/S3.