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^              # Start of line
\A             # Start of string
$              # End of line
\Z             # End of string
\b             # Word boundary
\B             # Not word boundary
\<             # Start of word
\>             # End of word

Character Classes

\c             # Control character
\s             # White space
\S             # Not whit space
\d             # Digit
\D             # Not digit
\w             # Word
\W             # Not word
\xhh           # Hexadecimal character hh
\Oxxx          # Octal character xxx

POSIX Character Classes

[:upper:]      # Upper case letters
[:lower:]      # Lower case letters
[:alpha:]      # All letters
[:alnum:]      # Digits and letters
[:digit:]      # Digits
[:xdigit:]     # Hexadecimal digits
[:punct:]      # Punctuation
[:blank:]      # Space and tab
[:space:]      # Blank characters
[:cntrl:]      # Control characters
[:print:]      # Printed characters and spaces
[:word:]       # Digits, letter and underscore


?=             # Lookahead assertion
?!             # Negative lookahead
?<=            # Lookbehind assertion
?!= or ?<!     # Negative lookbehind
?>             # Once-only Subexpression
?()            # Condition [if then]
?()|           # Condition [if then else]
?#             # Comment


*              # 0 or more
*?             # 0 or more, ungreedy
+              # 1 or more
+?             # 1 or more, ungreedy
?              # 0 or 1
??             # 0 or 1, ungreedy
{3}            # Exactly 3
{3,5}          # 3, 4 or 5
{3,5}?         # 3, 5 or 5 ungreedy

Special Characters

\              # Escape Character
\n             # New line
\r             # Carriage return
\t             # Tab
\v             # Vertical tab
\f             # Form feed
\a             # Alarm
[\b]           # Backspace
\e             # Escape
\N{name}       # Named Character

String replacement

$n             # nth non passive group
$2             # "xyz" in /^(abc(xyz))$/
$1             # "xyz" in /^(?:abc(xyz))$/
$`             # Before matched string
$'             # After machted string
$+             # Last machted string
$&             # Entire matched string
$_             # Entire input string
$$             # Literal $


.              # Any character except new line (\n)
(a|b)          # a or b
(...)          # Group
(?:...)        # Passive Group
[abc]          # Range (a or b or c)
[^abc]         # Not (a or b or c)
[a-q]          # Letter between a and q
[A-Q]          # Upper case letter between A and Q
[0-7]          # Digit between 0 and 7
\n             # nth group/subpattern

Pattern Modifiers

g              # Global match
i              # Case-insensitive
m              # Multiple lines
s              # Treat string as single line
x              # Allow comments and white space in pattern
e              # Evaluate replacement
U              # Ungreedy pattern


These Characters must be escaped with \

^  <  >  *
$  {  ]  +
|   (  )
\   ?  .

Example Patterns

([A-Za-Z0-9-]+)           # Letter, numbers and hyphens
(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}) # Date (e.g. 31/3/2006)
([^\s]+(?=\.(jpg|gif|png))\.\2) # jpg, gif or png image
^(\r|\n\r?)               # all possible linebreaks