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Tests & Severity

-- severity = note | warning | error | failure
assert ( a = b )
  report “a is not equal to b”
severity note;

Stop Simulation

testbench stop
assert false report "End of simulation" severity failure;

Clock generation

constant sys_CLK_freq   : real := 150.00E6;
constant sys_CLK_period : time := (1.0/sys_CLK_freq) * 1 sec;

signal sys_CLK_int      : std_logic;
signal sys_CLK          : std_logic;
-- Only signal
sys_CLK_int <= not sys_CLK_int after sys_CLK_period / 2;
sys_CLK     <= transport sys_CLK_int after sys_CLK_period * 9 / 10;

-- In a process
    sys_CLK_int    <= '0';   wait for sys_CLK_period / 2;
    sys_CLK_int    <= '1';   wait for sys_CLK_period / 2;
end process;
sys_CLK     <= transport sys_CLK_int after sys_CLK_period * 9 / 10;


tb_RESETn   <= '0' after 0 ns,
               '1' after 4 * sys_CLK_period;

Wait statement

  • Has to be in process without List of sensitivity
  • Ever process without a list of sensitivity need at least on wait statement.
wait_PROC: process
    -- wait for a given TIME
    wait for <time>;

    -- wait for an EVENT
    wait on <signal>;

    -- wait until CONDITON (on event triggered)
    wait until <condition>;

    -- wait if signal hasn't the whished value
    if not <condition> then
      wait until <condition>;
    end if;

    -- wait FOREVER
end wait_PROC;


-- Integer => String
string_sig <= integer'image(integer_sig);

-- String => Interger
integer_sig <= integer'value(string_sig);

-- String => Std_logic_vector
slv_sig <= to_std_logic_vector(string_sig);


lf - linefeed
ht - tabluator

Simple and messy

Make a string plenty wide enough. Then you can store each string in the appropriate slice of it.

string simple
variable toto: string(1 to 80) := (others => ' ');
-- plenty wide enough, and full of spaces


if a = 0 then
    toto(t1'range) := t1;
    toto(t2'range) := t2;
end if;

This is quite horrible, though, because you have no easy way to find out how many characters of toto are in use at any given time.

Complicated and pretty

Make the string a variable of type LINE, from package STD.TEXTIO. Then you can copy any string into it using the WRITE procedure:

WRITE procedure adds things to the end of the string stored in toto, so that it grows ever longer. The DEALLOCATE procedure eliminates the spaces used by the line variable.


Each line variable need to be deallocated at the end, otherwise the memory space will not be released.

string pretty 1
variable toto: line; -- initialised to empty!
if a=0 then
    write(toto, t1);
    write(toto, t2);
end if;

To reset it back to "empty" and free the memory, simply:

string pretty 2

Put String into Line

Copying any string into a line variable, having first cleared that variable:

string pretty 3
procedure put(l: inout line; s: in string) is
    write(l, s);

Get String from Line

Given a variable.

string pretty 4
variable l: line;
variable c: character;
variable s: string(1 to 80) := (others => ' ');

-- put something into l

-- take the whole string content
report "Message is " & l.all;

-- take a slice of it, just like a string:
c := l(1);
s := l.all; (whole line to string)

-- find its length:
if l'length > 50 then
end if;

-- write it to a file (such as the console):
writeline(output, l); -- also clears l to empty

Shared Variables

shared variables
architecture non_determinist of example is

    shared variable count : integer;


    p1 : process
        count := 1;
    end process p1;

    p2: process
        wait 1 ps;
        count := 2;
    end process p2;
end architecture non_determinist;