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LLM Prompt Engineering

  • Avoid loaded language: LLM's works best with objective facts, figures, and plain inputs, so try to be neutral and avoid subjective framing.
  • Be specific: Ensuring you specify a response word count, a desired tone of voice, and other specifics will decrease the likelihood you’ll have to request another answer.
  • Specify what you don’t want: It can sometimes help to tell LLM's to produce an amenable answer if you also specify what you don’t want it to do.
  • Provide examples: Much like a human, LLM's often understands best when you provide an example for it to work with, especially if you want it to produce something that closely resembles something you’ve seen.
  • Ask to “act like” someone: Sometimes, it can help to start your prompt by askin to “act like” a certain type of person that would be particularly well-placed to respond to the query you're posing.

These are some prompts which resulted in good answers from the most common LLM's.

Context collection

Take the next inputs as context. Do not respond until I use the keyword "asdf"


I want to learn about <topic> find and share the most important 20% of learnings on this topic so that I can understand 80% of it.
I would like to learn about <topic>. Please provide me with a brief summary that could be understood by a 10-year-old.


I want you to proof read my writing, fix any spelling and grammar mistakes, and make suggestions to improve the quality and clarity of my writing


I want you to summarise the text and give me a bullet point breakdown of the key points and facts

Output definition

Write your answer in form of ASCII-ART
Write your answer in form of a Mermaid Diagram
Write your answer in form of a copyable Markdown Text
Write your answer in form of a Table

Change tone

Adopt a formal tone in your responses.
Adopt an informal tone in your responses.

Act as <>

Act as a Professor in of a University in the Domain Real-Time Programming, Digital Design, Industry 4.0, Systems Engineering