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Gitbook is a tool to create and generate books using the Markdown or ASCIIDoc Syntax. It allows to create book in the following formats:

  • PDF
  • EPUB
  • MOBI
  • HTML


For using gitbook locally on your machine you'll need a couple of tools.

  • npm
  • Install gitbook commandline tools with the command:

    npm install gitbook-cli -g
  • Install calibre this is needed for having the ebook-convert command


gitbook init    # creates a new ebook folder and file structure

gitbook install # installs the required plugins for the book you want to build

gitbook build   # build the static html webpage

gitbook pdf ./myrepo ./mybook.pdf
gitbook pdf     # creates a pdf version of the book

gitbook epub ./myrepo ./mybook.epub
gitbook epub    # created a epub version fo the book

gitbook mobi ./myrepo ./
gitbook mobi    # created a mobi version fo the book


Big Small
Filename cover.jpg cover_small.jpg
Size 1800px x 2360px 200px x 262px