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How to use

The method below allows you to write and preview the doc easily thanks to VSCode and the Dev Container technology.


We do not provide support for other installation methods. A condaenv.yml file is available at the root of the documentation one can consult the content of the .devcontainer folder to install the required programs and tools to build the documentation on its own.


Quick start

Clone the repository and open the folder in VSCode.

git clone && cd znotes && code .

The .devcontainer folder within the root of the documentation will be detected by VSCode and this latter will ask you to open the folder in a container. Confirm the action. If the dialog doesn't show up, open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or F1) and search for Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container....

Once the container is built, you are ready to read and write some doc. A live preview is available at This live preview update whenever a change in the source folder is detected.

Install new package

If you write a documentation and find an useful extension or package to be added, use the standard pip install command. Note that this will install the package only on your local devcontainer. As long as you don't rebuild the container, you don't have to reinstall the package again. To make the installation of the package permanent, don't forget to add this latter in the requirements.txt file.

Available commands

This documentation comes with a justfile (Makefile replacement). Use just -l to see the availabe recipes:

$ just --list
Available recipes:
    build        # Build HTML static site
    clean        # Delete build folder(s)
    conda-create # Create the build environment
    env-export   # Export the build environment
    info         # Information about the environment
    serve        # Build HTML static site and serve it locally
    venv-create  # Create and source the python environment

Commit your changes

Before performing a commit the following steps are required:

  • Verify the build of the documentation locally:
    just clean && just build
  • Solve important build Warnings and Errors (if any) in the output.
  • Commit and push your changes

Continuous Integration (CI)

The CI is done with Github Actions with the file action-mkdocs.yml will run on each main commit and create a _build/ folder which will be pushed onto the branch gh-pages and consequently be used by github to displayed static html pages.