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Pipenv is a tool that aims to bring the best of all packaging worlds (bundler, composer, npm, cargo, yarn, etc.) to the Python world.

It automatically creates and manages a virtualenv for your projects, as well as adds/removes packages from your Pipfile as you install/uninstall packages. It also generates the ever-important Pipfile.lock, which is used to produce deterministic builds.


pip install pipenv


Generally, keep both Pipfile and Pipfile.lock in version control.


Pipfile contain information for the dependencies of the project, and supersedes the requirements.txt file used in most Python projects.

Import from existing file

The import will search first for a Pipfile and Pipfile.lock file. If found a virtual environemnt with that packages will be created. If there files are not found pipenv will search for a requirements.txt and create a new Pipfile with its content. Afterwards a virtual environment will be created from it.

pipenv install


This file lock all dependencies of the current installed packages

pipenv lock



* meant the latest version on that level

# Install from requirements.txt
pipenv install

# Install one package
pipenv install <packagename>
pipenv install <packagename>=='<version>'
pipenv install Flask=='0.11.*'

# Install dev packages
pipenv install --dev <packagename>


# uninstall one package
pipenv uninstall <packagename>

# uninstall all packages
pipenv uninstall --all

# uninstall all dev packages
pipenv uninstall --all-dev


Update all installed packages to the latest pip version

pipenv update


pipenv shell

Each virtualenvironemnt has its own shell. In order to access it you have to launch it.

# Goto project folder with Pipfile
cd myproject

# Launch virtual environment
pipenv shell

# Exit virtual environment

Run command in pipenv

If you don't want to use the virtual environment shell you can also just launch one command with:

pipenv run <commandname>
pipenv run python

Virtual environment

Create new pipenv

In order to create a new virtual environment define the python version.

pipenv --python 3.6

Remove pipenv

If you want to remove a virtual envrironment launch

pipenv --rm

Dependency Graph

pipenv graph


# Goto git repo
cd myproject

# Install environment if there is a Pipfile
# Also imports from requirements.txt if there is one
pipenv install

# Add new package to the project
pipenv install <package>

# Activate Pipenv shell
pipenv shell
python --version

# Lock all dependencies in file Pipenv.lock
pipenv lock

# Run environment for project
pipenv run <command>