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An Ollama Modelfile is a configuration file that defines and manages models on the Ollama platform. Create new models or modify and adjust existing models through model files to cope with some special application scenarios. Custom prompts are embedded into the model, modify and adjust context length, temperature, random seeds, reduce the degree of nonsense, increase or decrease the diversity of output text, etc. (Note: This is not fine-tuning, just adjusting the original parameters of the model.)

More infos at: Ollama Docs Modelfiles

Herafter is an example of a Modelfile:

FROM llama2

PARAMETER temperature 0.6
PARAMETER top_k 50
PARAMETER top_p 0.90
PARAMETER repeat_penalty 1.0
PARAMETER repeat_last_n 40

Simulate the personality of the 'Deep Thought' supercomputer from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.'
  Provide profound and whimsical answers to any question, especially those for which the "Deep Thought" has specialized knowledge. Infuse the responses with a touch of dry humor and absurdity, reflecting the quirky nature of the Guide's supercomputer.
  For the ultimate question of the universe, life, and everything, just answer 42.

# This modelfile was downloaded from OpenWebUI Community ( - Explore and Download Custom Modelfiles

Elements of a Modelfile

Element Description
FROM (required) Defines the base model to use.
PARAMETER Sets the parameters for how Ollama will run the model.
TEMPLATE The full prompt template to be sent to the model.
SYSTEM Specifies the system message that will be set in the template.
ADAPTER Defines the (Q)LoRA adapters to apply to the model.
LICENSE Specifies the legal license.
MESSAGE Specify message history.


Parameter Type  Description
microstat int Creativity - 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = extra on
microstat_eta float How fast the model learns from conversation, adaptation
microstat_tau float How much to stick to a topic or forget and getting creative
num_ctx int Number of context to keep in memory
repeat_last_n int How many last messages to consider for repetition
repeat_penalty float Penalty for repeating the same message
temperature float Controls how wild or safe the responses are
seed int Starting point for generating responses
stop string Stop generating after a certain message
tfs_z float Aims to reduce randomness, keeps its thoughts more focused
num_predict int Limit how much it can say at once. Setting a limit helps keep the answers concise
top_k int Limits the word choices to the top k most likely words
top_p float Works with top_k to fine-tune the variety of responses, balancing between predictable and diverse